Who We Are
The Culture of Grace Ministries exist to help men, women and couples in the body of Christ break the strongholds of all kinds of unwanted and unhealthy sexual behavior like pornography, sexual lust and sexual fantasy. The stronghold of unhealthy sexual behavior drives not only the porn industry but fuels the massive worldwide sex trafficking trade. The latest statistics show the over 68% of the Christian men and over 40% of the Christian women in the church watch porn at least once a week. The devastation caused by these behaviors not only destroys the lives of men and women, but it also destroys the legacy of marriages, families and children.
Through Spirit led, Spirit empowered small group work and curriculum-based sessions, we take people on a journey with the Lord to discover the roots of unwanted sexual behavior which may be based in past pain, wounds, and trauma, often from childhood. The Culture of Grace Ministries is not only about helping others find healing and restoration in Christ, but it also helps people find healthy ways to deal with the pain, trauma and stresses of life that we all will face even after the Lord has brought us through to a place of wholeness.
The Culture of Grace has three distinctive internal ministries to serve the body of Christ in the healing and restoration of unwanted sexual behavior, sexual betrayal and the restoration and enhancement of Christ centered marriages.

Men of Ephesians 5:3 Ministry
Our groups help men confront and deal with the sexual issues of pornography, sexual lust and sexual fantasy. We do this by offering small groups that are safe and confidential so that men can build relationships that allow them to be open and honest about their struggles.

Women of 1 Peter 5:10, Daughters of Abigail
Our groups help women who have suffered trauma from sexual betrayal caused by the porn and lust from their male partners and other male figures in their lives. We do this through small groups that are loving, grace filled and safe as well as twelve-month deep dive groups that seek to provide deeper healing from betrayal trauma.

Grace and Truth Marriage Network
Grace and Truth Marriage Network helps men and women who are looking to heal, restore and enhance their Christ centered marriages. Our ministry uses biblically based relational care principles to help couples walk in deeper care and relational intimacy with Christ and one another.
The Culture of Grace Ministry Founders

Joseph and Leona were childhood best friends in Nigeria in the 60’s. Although separated by war in the late 60’s, God brought them back together in the U.S. in the late 70’s. They fell in love and married in 1982. Their young marriage faced many trials and obstacles through the 80’s. Joseph and Leona gave their lives to the Lord in the early 90’s and the Lord began the process of healing and restoration in their lives and marriage.
As they began to reap the blessings of a healed marriage, Joseph and Leona began to sense a calling from the Lord to help other marriages experience the love, joy and peace that comes from having a marriage rooted in the Lord and His Word.
Joseph and Leona lead marriage small groups and are certified as marriage specialists by N.A.M.E. (National Association of Marriage Enhancement). They are pastors and ministers who are also trained in biblical relational care principals through Great Commandment Ministries and do couple to couple marriage coaching and mentoring. Currently Joseph and Leona also sit on the Board of Directors of Break Away Ministries, a ministry dedicated to teaching
relational care principles to Pastors, churches, marriages and the un-churched. They just celebrated their 41st year of marriage and have two grown children. Joseph and Leona Njoku-Obi are the founders and ministry leaders of The Culture of Grace Ministries. They have over 25 years in marriage and couple’s ministry. Out of their years of dealing with the pain of sexual addiction and betrayal in their own marriage, they seek to help other couples find the healing and restoration found in a Christ centered marriage. For more information on the ministry or the groups we offer please contact Joseph for the Men of Ephesians groups at joenjokuobi@thecultureofgrace.org and for the Women of 1Peter groups please contact Leona at leonanjokuobi@thecultureofgrace.org

Please read..........
The Culture of Grace Ministry exists to help men, women and married couples in the body of Christ heal from unwanted sexual behaviors and sexual betrayal. Joseph and Leona nor any of the ministry facilitators are licensed Sexual Addiction therapists nor due they claim to be. Many of our participants find the healing and restoration that they seek in our small group environments with the Spirit led, Spirit empowered curriculum we use.
There are times when the root issues and causes of a participants pain or trauma require more in depth work with a licensed sexual addition therapist or counselor. We may suggest, depending on the issues that arise, that this might be an additional course of action and help for a participant. We partner with licensed Christian sexual addiction and Marriage therapists that can help a participant further their healing and restoration from unwanted sexual behaviors, sexual betrayal and acute marital trauma.
We are passionate about seeing Men, women and couples walk in freedom
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